Kan ou-Kan

貫 汪 館

This is a web site of Kan ou-Kan, which teaches

Muso Shinden Eishin-ryu Iai Heiho, Oishi Shinkage-ryu kenjutsu and Shibukawa Ichi-ryu jujutsu.

Introduction of dojo

About Kan ou-Kan

In Kan ou-Kan, training is not unreasonable or brute force. This is because we believe that the purpose of our martial arts training is to bring out our hidden abilities. The following three are the guidelines of Kan ou-kan practice. 

  1. Seek a reasonable and natural state of your mind and body.
  2. Follow the teaching of your masters and senior disciples obediently. 
  3. Contrive and explore by yourself and keep training. 

We welcome people who live outside Japan come to practice. Of course, foreigners residing in Japan are also welcome.

Kan ou-Kan is a member of NIppon Kobudo Shinkokai (Society for the Promotion of Japanese Classical Martial Arts) and Nippon Kobudo Kyoukai (Japanese Classical Martial Arts Association) .

Headquarters Dojo class information

Place (Hatsukaichi, Hiroshima)

Mon, Wed

 Jukendojo at Nanao junior high school in Hastukaichi city


 Budojo at "Suncherry" Hatsukaichi City Sports Center



Mon 19:00 - 21:00(Children 19:00 - 20:00)

Wed 19:00 - 21:00(Children 19:00 - 20:00)

Sat 14:00 - 15:00 (Children)15:00 - 17:00(Adults)


Monthly fee : 5,000JPY 

 You can participate as many as you can.

See the monthly schedule on face book page.



It is possible. Please contact in advance.



Kan ou-kan Facebook / Instagram / Twitter

Muso Shinden Eishin-ryu Iai Heiho

This is a traditional Iai school, which was handed down in Tosa domain.

Unlike modern Iaido, which is commonly practiced today, Muso Shinden Eishen ryu Iai contains many forms, which are also practiced in pairs.




 Hayashizaki Jinsuke Shigenobu
 Tamiya Heibei Narimasa
 Nagano Muraku-nyudo Kinrosai
 Momo Gunbei Mitushige
 Arikawa Shouzaemon Munetugu
 Banno Danemon Nobusada
 Hasegawa Chikaranosuke Eishin
 Arai Heisaku Nobusada (Arai Seitetsu)
 Hayashi Rokudayu Morimasa
  Hayashi Yasudayu Masashi

  Oguro Motoemon Kiyokatsu
  Yoshimatsu Yazaemon Hisamori
  Yamakawa Kyuzou Yoshimasa
  Shimomura Moichi Sadamu
  Hosokawa Yoshimasa
  Ueda Heitaro
  Ogata Gouichi
  Umemoto Mitsuo
  Morimoto Kunio



Oishi Shinkage-ryu kenjutsu

The founder Oishi Susumu innovated this system of Kenjutsu from Aisu Kage-ryu in Yanagawa domain at Kyusyu. Some of the changes Oishi Susumu made was an improved Bogu and Shinai. He also incorporated tsuki (stab) and dogiri (body cutting) techniques in the school. These techniques were rarely used at the time and were incorporated by Oishi Susumu into Bogu wearing matches.



Founder of the scool
that Oishi Susumu learned

Founder of the Oishi Shinkage-ryu

Aisu Ikou

Okuyama Saemondayu
Kamiizumi Musashinokami

Nagao Mimasaka
Masunaga Hakuen

Masugaga Gunbei
Yoshida Masuemon
Ishihara Denjizaemon
Murakami Ittou
Oishi Yuken
Oishi Tarobei
Oishi Susumu Tanetugu
Oishi Susumu Tanemasa
Oishi Yukie
Itai Masumi
Oishi Hajime
Oishi Eiichi
Morimoto Kunio



Shibukawa Ichi-ryu jujutsu

This system of Jujutsu was developed and practiced in a rural area in Hiroshima domain during the Edo period.

In practice, students at first will learn bare-handed self-defense techniques against bare-handed attacks. As practice progresses, students will further learn how to defend themselves, by utilizing bare-handed techniques against short blades and even swords. Students also learn to protect themselves while utilising Hanbo, Rokushaku bo, Jitte, Fundo or Kusari-gama techniques against swords.



Founder   Syuto Kuranoshin Mitsutoki

Miyata Tomokichi Kunitsugu

Kurumaji Kunimatsu Masatsugu

Une Shigemi Tsuguaki

Morimoto Kunio Tsugutoki




Branch Branch manager, Shihandai Place
Setagaya Branch Suzuki Atsushi Setagaya, Tokyo
Yokohama Branch Uchizumi Nobuyuki Yokohama, Kanagawa
Osaka Branch Domoto Shinsuke Suita, Osaka
Kure Branch Misaki Toshihiro Kure, Hiroshima
Perth Branch Micael Mackay Perth, Australia
El Paso Branch Pedro Borrego El Paso, USA
Danville Branch Neil Baker Danville, Indiana
Port of Spain Branch John Ramirez Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago

Caution : Kan ou-kan techniques are taught only at the branches on the list above.  A dojyo using our photos not listed above is  irrelevant to us. Only these branch managers, Shihandai, can teach Muso Shinden Eishin-Ryu Iai Heiho, Shibukawa Ichi-Ryu Jujyutsu and Oishi shinkage-Ryu kenjutsu.

Anyone who teaches these 3 schools except branch managers, Shihandai,  are fake.

Membership Agreement of Kan ou-kan




1. Do not incorporate Kan ou-kan techniques into other schools of Budo.


2. Do not modify or redefine components of Kan ou-kan with personal opinion or selfish ideas.


3. Do not disclose information about Kan ou-kan history, kata, etc. without authorization unless it is information that Kan ou-kan has publicly announced or shared.


4. Do not criticize or slander other members of Kan ou-kan or other schools of Budo.


5. Do not practice Kan ou-kan techniques with non-members of Kan ou-kan, unless it is in a Kan ou-kan public seminar.


6. Do not show or demonstrate Kan ou-kan techniques without permission.


7. Do not become a member of other kobudo/koryu schools.


8. Do not use Kan ou-kan techniques recklessly.


9. Be honest in daily life.


10. Authorization to transmit the teachings or techniques of Kan ou-kan remains solely at the discretion of Kan ou-kan. If a member withdraws or ceases to be a member of Kan ou-kan, said person is no longer permitted to use, represent, transmit or convey any of the  Kan ou-kan Koryu schools’ techniques or teachings.